I'm looking for Co-Bloggers to assist me with this site. If you're interested in providing short bits of cool, funny, or well, "Awesome" content to this here blog page, let me know. All I want is the occasional funny picture, video, story, or what have you to put on here. Every thing you put on here can have a link back to your site to draw traffic.
So, if you are looking to drive traffic back to your site and have the occasional awesome thing about EMS to put here, e-mail me at proems1@yahoo.com and I'll add you as a co-blogger. You can also just put a comment on this post.
The city of Rochester is recruiting for a CERT team. This is a Community
Emergency Response Team. This is a team of citizens that will respond to
large e...
13 years ago
I would love to help you with this blog. I have a few funny stories and pics I would be willing to give.. Hit me up. JS